
Discord Build Status Code Style: Black

A CircuitPython module for managing the AXP313A pmic over I2C, along with the common voltages to power cameras with it.

Frozen Module

This driver may be shipped with some CircuitPython installations.

sys.path by default is ['', '/', '.frozen', '/lib'] which means frozen modules have higher priority than modules in the local filesystem. To override the frozen version included in your build, you can install this driver inside your board’s / or /lib and set sys.path to prefer /lib and / like sys.path = ['', '/', '/lib', '.frozen'].


This driver depends on:

Please ensure all dependencies are available on the CircuitPython filesystem. This is easily achieved by downloading the Adafruit library and driver bundle or individual libraries can be installed using circup.


API documentation for this library can be found on Read the Docs.

For information on building library documentation, please check out this guide.


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Code of Conduct before contributing to help this project stay welcoming.

Based upon

Table of Contents

Indices and tables